
Gaia – Green Goddess Bouquet


Gaia is our green goddess bouquet using the very best the season has to offer in whites and greens. Ideal for the love of your life if they are a fan of classic and elegant designs, minimalist decor and are a lover of neutral tones.

Available in four sizes Classic (small), Signature (Medium) Deluxe (Large) and Super Deluxe (Extra Large)  for collection or local delivery on 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th February. National delivery is available on 12th, 13th, 14th.

*Due to supply issues affecting the world round and seasonal availability some flowers may vary from those shown here. We might need to substitute some flowers/foliage’s and/or sundry items which our talented florists will replace with suitable items in a similar style, colour, and value. If you’d like a specific flower please call us to discuss the viability of this and order over the phone.*